Friday, January 30, 2009

Milk and Sea Salt Bath

This milk bath is great for all skin types and will make our skin become luxurious.
  • 1 cup of instant dried skim milk
  • 3/4 cup of either fine or coarse sea salt
  • 20-25 drops of fragrance oil if desired or 15-20 drops of essential oils
Place the dried milk and sea salt into a large bowl, then mix well. Scoop out about 1/2 cup and place it into a small bowl. Sprinkle your fragrance or essential oils over the top of this mixture and stir well. Add this back into the main bowl and thoroughly mix. Store the milk bath in a grass jar with a tight fitting lid. This recipe is enough for 5-6 baths.
Scoop out about 1/3 cup and dissolve under running bath water. Let's enjoy it.